
the food museum

exploring and celebrating food

Blog posts : "issues"

No Polish Veg, Fruit, спасибо!

Surprise! Russia has made another enemy. After banning Ukrainian soy products and cornmeal, the government’s latest move is against fruits and vegetables from Poland. “‘The cost to Poland of the import ban is likely to be 0.6% of GDP (national output) by the end of the year,’” said Polish Deputy Pri…

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Ukraine, Third-Largest World Wheat Exporter

Via FoodSafetyNews: "Food is a big part of the current political upheaval in Ukraine. As the world’s third-largest wheat exporter, the news from Kiev has already roiled the Chicago Board of Trade, and Russian threats to block imports from Ukraine are ratcheting up tensions. Much more in the backgrou…

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Outraged UK Catholic Group Nixes Crisps

This post originally appeared at The Potato Museum.

You won't be able to try this new chip/crisp, flavored with Worcestershire sauce and chiles, because its name offended a group called Protect the Pope in the UK. The company that launched the brand, Pret a Manger, caved to the group's assertio…

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3 blog posts