
the food museum

exploring and celebrating food

Review---Digital Mag Takes on Life, Deliberately

The third issue is out now, via iTunes, at $4, and it's visually appealing, but... DeliberateLIFE sparkles only when it moves beyond entertaining, cooking, growing your own food, light bulb choices, rainwater cachement, et al, topics with way too much Martha Stewart-ish/Simple Living-ish type feel. There is not much here we don't already know, frankly. 

(That said, the Deliberate Inebriate does offer two fine damn drinks recipes...)

The mag's pieces on Open Streets Initiatives, and building simple housing in India connected with us, however, as they went well beyond the "how to live at home, we who have ample means" focus of the beginning. DeliberateLIFE also offers solid ideas about alternative camps for kids, and travel tours that leave the AC behind.

We look forward to more from DeliberateLIFE, whose aims are admirable, indeed. And we bet that the editors can reveal to us compelling food stories that lie hidden in more out-of-the way places. 

ps "Walden" is not a novel.



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