The latest food heritage entry from The Food Museum on Mother Earth News explores some of the oldies but goodies...
Blog posts : "usa"
Eateries and Drinkeries: Everyone's Fave Food Heritage Sites
"Middle Class" and Hungry in the US?
Today, one in six Americans don’t have enough to eat. But before you picture a gangly child with little to wear, think again. Many of the faces of hunger in the US are “white, married, clothed, and housed, even a bit overweight.” These are low-income people who live in the suburbs, maintaining a mid…
Seeds to the Vatican from the White House
Via WaPost: “These I think are carrots,” Obama told the pope as he pulled out a blue velvet pouch from the seed chest.
The White House said the gift was inspired by Francis’ decision to open to the public the gardens of Castel Gandolfo, the pope’s summer residence in the hills south of Rome. Th…
Olympian Appetites, Fed
Snow and ice-surrounded US athletes are eating better than ever. The Women's Hockey Team is one example.
Via NYTimes
"SOCHI, Russia — At 7 a.m. Saturday, five hours before the United States opened the Olympic women’s hockey tournament with a 3-1 victory over Finland, the Americans ate a bre…
A Rescue for River Herring?
According to the NYTimes, "The New England Fishery Management Council on Thursday approved the region’s first cap on the amount of river herring that can be caught by industrial trawlers."
River herring numbers are low, down 90% in the last twenty years, according to River Herring Rescue. Obsta…
American Prosciutto Steps Up
Iowa decently/humanely raised pigs are making an Italian ham delicacy into an American reality, with a little help from their friends, Kathy and Herb Eckhouse.
According to this piece in the NYTimes, “It was a crazy idea, but we didn’t think it was a stupid idea,” says Herb Eckhouse..."
Tax Incentives to Ensure Excess Food Reaches The Hungry
"Tax incentives should be expanded to prompt restaurants, grocery stores and farmers to donate excess food to the hungry and cut into the estimated 70 billion pounds of food that goes to waste each year, U.S. senators including Patrick Leahy say in proposing such an expansion."
According to the AP…